Publications from Progressive Australian and New Zealand Authors

The following list was compiled by Rex AE Hunt and includes a list of recent and seminal works from Australian and New Zealand Progressive Authors.

Why? The Challenge of Giving Explanations for Tragic Experiences in Life

Author: Barraclough, Ray

Publisher: (Burleigh: Zeus Publications, 2010)

Science and Soul

Author: Birch, L. Charles

Publisher: Sydney: University of NSW Press, 2008

Two Elephants in the Room: Evolving Christianity and Leadership

Author: Bodycomb, John

Publisher: (Richmond: Spectrum Publications, 2018)

Aware and Attentive: 'Worship' in Evolving Christianity 

Author: Bodycomb, John

Publisher: (Spectrum Publications, 2012)

Faith As Journey 

Author: Bodycomb, John

Publisher:  (Spectrum Publications, 2010)

Excited to Speak, Exciting to Hear: The Art of Preaching

Author: Bodycomb, John

Publisher:  (Adelaide: OpenBook Publishers, 2003)

Being Faithful in Diversity

Author: Bouma, Gary D.

Publisher:  (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2011)

Australian Soul: Religion & Spirituality in the 21st Century 

Author: Bouma, Gary D.

Publisher:    (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007)

Outspoken: The Life and Work of the Man Behind Those Signs

Author: Bower, Rod.

Publisher:  (Sydney: Random House, 2018)

Dancing on Thin Water: Songs of Imagination and Wonder in Four Voices

Author: Cranmer, John

Publisher: (Maximum Felix Media, 2018)

Walking on Bones: Poems in the Nick of Time (With Denham Grierson)

Author: Cranmer, John

Publisher:  (Northcote: Morning Star Publishing, 2017)

       Bad Faith. Christian Denial of the Humanist Jesus 

Author: Drake-Brockman, Tom       

Publisher:  (Oregon: Resource Publications/Wipf & Stock, 2018) 

Reimagining God. The Faith Journey of a Modern Heretic

Author:  Geering, Lloyd G.

Publisher: (Oregon: Polebridge Press, 2014)

From the Big Bang to God

Author:  Geering, Lloyd G.

Publisher:  (Wellington: Steele Roberts/ Polebridge Press, 2013)

Such is Life! A Close Encounter With Ecclesiastes 

Author:  Geering, Lloyd G.

Publisher: (Steele Roberts/Polebridge Press, 2010)

Coming Back to Earth. From gods, to God, to Gaia 

 Author:  Geering, Lloyd G.

Publisher: (Polebridge Press, 2009)

Wrestling With God. The Story of My Life

 Author:  Geering, Lloyd G.

Publisher: (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2006)

Portholes to the Past. Reflections on the Early 20th Century 

Author:  Geering, Lloyd G.

Publisher: (Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2016)

On Me Bike. Cycling Round New Zealand 80 Yeas Ago

Author:  Geering, Lloyd G.

Publisher:  (Steele Roberts, 2015)

Turning in Time

Author:  Grierson, Denham

Publisher: (Bayswater: Coventry Press, Forthcoming)

Walking on Bones: Poems in the Nick of Time (With John Cranmer)

Author:  Grierson, Denham

Publisher: (Northcote: Morning Star Publishing, 2017)

Geering Interviews

Author:  Grimshaw, M

Publisher:  (Salem: Polebridge Press, 2018)

God, Ethics and the Secular Society: Does the Church Have a Future?

Author:  Gunson, John

Publisher: (Northcote: Morning Star Publishing, 2016)

Learning to Live Without God

Author:  Gunson, John

Publisher: (Melbourne: eBook, 2005)

Acknowledgement of the Land and Faith of Aboriginal Custodians: After Following the Abraham Trail 

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Morning Star Publishing, 2018)

Why on Earth Do You Still Wonder About God? Dancing With Doubt

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Morning Star Publishing, 2017)

Discerning Wisdom in God’s Creation: Following the Way of Ancient Scientists

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Morning Star Publishing, 2017)

Why on Earth Do You Still Read The Bible? A Lifetime of Lenses 

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Morning Star Publishing, 2016)

Why On Earth Are You Still a Lutheran? Memories of a Heretic 

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Morning Star Publishing, 2015)

Rainbow of Mysteries: Meeting the Sacred in Nature

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Copperhouse, 2012)

Reconciliation: Searching for Australia’s Soul

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Morning Star, 2012)

The Birth, Curse and the Greening of Earth: An Ecological Reading of Genesis 1-11

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Sheffield: Phoenix, 2011)

An Inconvenient Text: Is a ‘Green Reading’ of the Bible Possible? 

Author:  Habel, Norman

Publisher: (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2011)