Common Dreams - Sydney 2007

A significant event occurred in Sydney in August 2007. Almost 1,400 religious progressives from around Australia gathered with others from Aotearoa New Zealand, Canada, Iran, Palestine and USA for the “Common Dreams” conference. Christians from many denominations were joined by people of various other faiths and those of no religious faith.

The Common Dreams conference featured major addresses by the redoubtable Bishop John Shelby Spong and local identity Stephanie Dowrick.

Keynote addresses were given by local and international leaders, including Bernard Brandon Scott, Joe Bessler, Val Webb, Jenny Te Paa, Noel Preston, and Sherri Weinberg. Other speakers were Patricia Brennan, Cecile and Mervyn Lander, Nigel Leaves, Michael Morwood, Negar Partlow, Ian Pearson, Fred Plumer, and Elenie Poulos.

The interest and excitement generated by this conference has since led to a Common Dreams conference being held every three years and also a stream of leading international figures touring Australia and New Zealand in the intervening years under the Common Dreams On the Road banner.