Common Dreams - Brisbane 2016

The 206 Common Dreams conference was staged at Somerville House, a leading girls’ college in South Brisbane, during September 2016. Diana Butler Bass (a prolific US writer and thinker), Val Webb (well known Australian writer and theologian), and Pamela Eisenbaum (a US academic and Westar Institute Fellow) gave major public lectures. 

Keynote speakers included Lorraine Parkinson (Australia), Fred Plumer (USA), Michael Morwood (Australia), Jana Norman (Australia), Margaret Mayman(NZ/Australia), and Saara Sabbagh (Australia).

David Felten gave both the Opening and Closing addresses.

The conference was impeccably planned and staged by a dedicated team of Queenslanders.

Publications from Common Dreams 2016

The following are papers that were delivered at Commondreams 2016. Click on the items below to view or download them.